It's the Heart of the Issue

Saw this in my study this morning and had to share it:
" Have you ever tried to change a bad habit or overcome a sin without first dealing with the heart issue that fuels it? What were the results?"
Oh my gosh.....have I!!!!! For way over a decade (maybe close to 2) as a saved person I tried to quit smoking. I knew this was not what God wanted of me, but I couldn't seem to do it. I would for a while, then always fall back under periods of stress or for whatever reason.... God, being the merciful and loving God He is, would not give up we've spoken of so many times on this blog before. Once I dealt with the heart issue as this quote states, on my knees, broken, I have not had the urge to smoke since. He has blessed me beyond measure in the years since I finally did this. Wow!!!!
Take it from's not the sin that's so much the's the heart. What do you need to surrender? I didn't need to surrender the smoking, I needed to surrender ALL of me. And I have not regretted it one day since then. I thought I would always be a casual smoker. I couldn't imagine my life without this "friend" I had for so long. But let me tell you.......the Friend I have in its place is beyond comparison. And no sin is worth missing that!


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