
Showing posts from May, 2015

Where the Rubber Meets the Road

" Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him."    - James 1:12 I like to think I have it all together.  In all the periods of my life,  I can look back and see God's presence , His guidance, His plan. That's  not to say I saw it at the time, trusted at the time, and at one period even believed at the time.  But He had a plan.  Knowing that, I want to believe I could weather anything now, knowing what I know and witnessing what I have witnessed. Then reality sets in.  I do pretty well with the minor, mundane irritants.  The driver  who is irritating the soup out of me....the rude person in line..... The appliance I cannot get to work right.  It's the big stuff I'm still not very good  at.  And I wonder, if the REALLY big stuff happens, do I have what it takes to still trust Him? My last post was all about family...regrets....con

Mother's Desire

Take delight in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart. -Psalm 37:4 Another Mothers Day is over. As with many holidays in our culture, the build-up and hype is tremendous.  Emotion sells.  And, for some, it WAS a marvelous day with family...moms, grandmas, children, dinners out, smiles, laughter, and flowers.  But it was certainly not that way for everyone, and possibly not even for the majority. I have the whole gamut of mothers in my circle of friends....moms who lost children to death.....moms whose children are trapped in addictions to drugs or alcohol.....moms whose children are estranged.......children who have turned their backs on their parent's beliefs and lifestyle.... moms who, although they see their children, the relationship is strained at best.....moms who were alone or forgotten on this holiday.  When the circle is extended even farther, there are moms who have children lost to adoption or abortion, and those who have recently lost their own mo