
Showing posts from July, 2012

Begging for Change? Really?

Remember when we talked about all the ways God speaks to us? I never cease to be completely 'freaked out' when I sense God doing just that with me. It's a privilege beyond words. Some would say I have a vivid imagination....that I am wanting it so much I make it happen. I've heard that said before. I used to think it about others. People who give arguments like that are impossible to convince otherwise without Divine intervention. So, while they think what they will, I continue to pray they will develop a life changing relationship with God. I would love nothing better than listen to everyone's accounts of how God is speaking to them. Especially the naysayers. The ones who don't believe. The lost. Well as usual, I digress. I thought we were through talking about change. But in my personal Bible study this week I came across change again. And, after reading and thinking about that lesson, it became clear that change wasn't finished with me. O


Today is my birthday. I have one more year in this fifth decade. It has made me think a lot about the changes slowly occurring in my life due to age. Some good, some bad. Many more to come. There have been many changes around me in the past few days as well. An old friend lost her husband. A close friend is facing a serious illness with her husband. Another learned of the illness of a cousin who is more like a sister. One met new grandchildren for the first time. Some good changes, some not so good. We face changes all the time. Some are life changing, some just affect the day or even the hour we hear them. Some don't change anything at all. Living in this society at this time in history, we're somewhat used to change. We have to be. Things change all the time. Buy a new phone if you don't believe me. Within what seems like days there is a new one out that is 'smaller' (not bigger) and better and we want to change to that one eventually. I am an

Lessons Learned in the Furnace

      A furnace. That's what it felt like on the asphalt under the red, white, and blue tent on a parking lot in our son's town. So hot you sometimes couldn't breathe.But, remember that perfectionist husband I talked about in a previous blog?; The one that is sometimes irritating? Well, that irritating man saved our lives by rigging up a driveway sensor to allow us to be in the air-conditioned camper some of the time, waiting for a "ding" to go out in the heat and wait on a customer. Nice. I'll take the irritating for advantages like those any time!        This was the all time worst year to sell fireworks. Not only was it extremely hot,the fourth of July was on a Wednesday. Other sellers had told us we would have a low year when it was in the middle of the week. And, to make it the perfect storm, the dry conditions and extreme fire danger made everyone wary of fireworks this year.  Our suppliers even said they had never seen anything like it. Now,min