
Showing posts from November, 2017


" SING TO HIM, SING PRAISES TO HIM;TELL OF ALL HIS WONDEROUS WORKS." 1 CHRONICLES 16:9 "LET EVERYTHING THAT HAS BREATH PRAISE THE LORD!" -PSALM 150:6 I admit it.  I am a "glass half full" kind of girl.  I can explain why I am that way, based on my upbringing and a few other events in my life, but that doesn't make it acceptable.  I just tend to see the negative, the depressing, the bad side of everything.  I'm working to be better at that, but it is my natural tendency. I remember the older generation saying things like, "This world is going to hell in a handbasket." or "It can't get any worse than this."  I thought that was ridiculous at the time.  I was a young person, full of hope for the future, thinking people who said those things were just old and used up.  Now I'm the one saying it.  But when you dare to look at the national news, or even the local news and Facebook, it seems there is so much c