
Showing posts from February, 2015


Or do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness, forbearance and patience , not realizing that God's kindness is intended to lead you to repentance?      - Romans 2:4 I am not, by nature, a patient person.  I guess I am better than I used to be, but that is not saying a lot.  I am like my infant granddaughter....I want what I want, when I want it.  Period.  I may act like I'm accepting my circumstances when they are less than desirable, but deep in my heart I know I cry out for what I really want. Luckily, we are the children of a God who has infinite patience.  I know that for a fact, because He has shown infinite patience with me.  He still does.  Paul David Tripp says it this way:         " Again, most of us don't like to wait, but our God, in grace, is willing to wait.  We want life to be a series of completed events; God is willing to live with incompletion until his work is finally done.  We want what we want, and we want it now; God is willing to i

Food for Thought

Lots of truth here..... "I would like to think that I am one of the good guys, that I am basically righteous.  Okay, I'm not perfect.  Maybe I do need some minor tweaking, but that's all.  But the truth is, I am not okay.  I have a deep and abiding sin problem that I have no ability whatsoever to solve.  I give empirical evidence every day that this dark thing lives inside me.  Maybe I show it as a moment of irritation or selfishness.  Maybe it's revealed in unkind words or a vengeful action.  Maybe it's shown in an unwillingness to serve or a refusal to give.  Maybe it's shown in impatience with other people or anger at my circumstances.  Perhaps it's revealed in demanding to be right or in control.  Somehow every day I prove I am a person in need of help - and so do you.  God is working and will continue to work to solve our biggest problem and to meet our biggest need.  And he will be faithful to his agenda until forever is our final home."