
Showing posts from March, 2018

The Avoiders

"Wisdom belongs to the aged, and understanding to the old." -Job 2:12 "Come near to the Lord and He will come near to you." -James 4:8  I have to tell you I'm not a super big fan of aging. It seems to get harder each day, more aches and pains, tired all the time, illness seems to abound. And then you start hearing it.  Just this week, I heard of two high school friends who are ill. One has cancer, and one has Parkinson's. Those are just two in a long line of people I know my age who are not doing well. I hate it.  You know the old saying, I wish I had known I was really going to get older, I would've taken better care of myself. Yep. Agreed. There are a couple of other things that aren't great about aging. Losing weight seems to require eating one very small meal a day for year.   Or, you can be sick and go to the hospital. That will do it . When I do crossstitch, I have to use my mother-in-law's magnifying glass which I swore