
Showing posts from April, 2012

Save me from Myself!

      An overwhelming realization of my selfishness and good fortune has been overtaking me for about a week.  I thought since this was a forum to share I would share my reasons with you.        It all started when my son loaned me a copy of  'Radical' by David Platt.  David is the pastor of The Church at Brookhills in Burmingham, Alabama.  The church has 4,000 members, and Platt has been called the youngest megachurch pastor in history.  When one thinks of that position, an expectation of a diferent kind of book emerges.  I expected it to be a 'how to' book on something to do with successfully motivating service projects or other issues in the 'mega church'.  Wrong.  The first two chapters of the book have brought me to my knees in thanksgiving and shame for the blessings given to me.       Platt tells us about other Christians in the world.  Christians who do not have the privilege of freedom of worship that we do.  Christians who risk everything to worship


          I'm not sure I ever really read James before.  Oh, I see notations in my bibles that I have 'gone through' James, and I remember particular phrases from the book.  But I'm not sure I have ever really read it and thought about it.  We are all so busy.  Even since I retired, I am rushing from activity to activity, constantly thinking about how I am going to get everything to fit in.  It's even worse than it was before!  I think maybe Satan loves that about us.....the busier we are the less time we have to study the Word, talk with God, or simply praise Him for His mercy.         Even though we are sometimes too 'busy' to pursue Him,God pursues us through many avenues.  The most important one is through His word, because there He can become VERY  PERSONAL in His approach to us.  All we have to do is to take the time to read it.Attending a bible study can sometimes  'force' you, if for no other reason than embarrassment, to get into the Word

In Case of Emergency

      Well, as I sit here full of drugs for bronchitis, I'm mellow enough to tackle the last part of James 1:19 regarding anger.  Of all the emotions we experience, this one can be the most damaging to us and those around us.  Anger, combined with the tongue James speaks of later, can destroy relationships, lives, jobs, government entities, even countries.  It is a powerful and vicious tool that is almost always used in the wrong hands.       We all remember the example of Jesus becoming angry at the temple.  Since we know Jesus did not sin, this demonstration was more about righting a wrong than an expression of anger.  We sometimes call this righteous anger.  I fear that we use this example as Christians to justify our anger outbursts.       As I write this I am thinking about the last time I was really angry.  I have been doing much better with this due to the help of the Holy Spirit, so this was the first time I had been really angry in a long time.  And, of course, I felt th


Okay.  I understand since I started this thing I have to finish it.  But I REALLY don't want to look at this next part of the James 1:19 verse.  I mean, why did God send us scripture that just smacks us in the face every time we read it?  Particularly me.  ...."slow to speak."  Now there's a concept.  Most of my life these three words have not even been in my vocabulary.  I tried, I really thought I did anyway.  I remember being in meetings at school and writing all over my page "KYMS" with hearts, trees, flowers, etc. around it.  Of course the acronym stood for Keep Your Mouth Shut, but even doing that most of the time it didn't work.  I apparently thought my ideas were so profound, so wonderful, so good that I just HAD to share them for the good of the group,  WOW.  Wonder what God was thinking then? Maybe "ok, she thinks she's so smart, let's just show her."  And through the years He has.  Time and time again.  I wonder how many les

Hello....Hello.....are you there?

      I'm a wife, mom, grandma, retired teacher, and a child of the King.  I am starting this blog as an attempt to open a dialog with other Christians about scripture, hopes, struggles, and victories.  I will never attempt to portray that I have all the answers, but the opportunity to share and learn from you was just too much to resist.        It's amazing to me that we serve a Savior that allows us to commune with Him on a regular basis - virtually anytime we take the time to pursue Him.  This morning, in bible study, I was reading from James chapter l.  From the NIV verses 19-21 say,                           "My dear  brothers, take note of this:  everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry, for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires.  Therefore, get rid of all moral filth, and the evil that is so prevalent, and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you."       As I thought about