Humble Pie

" That is that you and I may be mutually encouraged by each other's faith.  I do not want you to be unaware, brothers and sisters, in that I planned many times to come to you, (but have been prevented from doing so until now) in order that I might have a harvest among you, just as I have had among other Gentiles.  I am obligated both to Greeks and non-Greeks, both to the wise and the foolish.  That is why I am so eager to preach the gospel also to you who are in Rome.  For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes; first to the Jew, then to the Gentile."
       Romans 1:12-16

     Since retiring, if I let myself I would be a hermit.  I love staying home, piddling around with things here in the, sewing machine, television.  I think I just love to piddle.  Part of it might be that for most of my life I was going ninety to nothing, full speed all the time.  I never listened to advice to slow down, or say no, or do less.  I wanted to do it all and do it all perfectly.  I don't know whether it's the fact that I have learned a lesson about over-extending myself or if I'm just too tired to do it anymore. 
     If it weren't for God's leading, and for the love of Him, I would not be doing this blog or anything else for the kingdom.  Those of you who have known me for a long time might not believe this, but I much prefer to be in the background.  Every time I take a step out or forward, I am jelly on the inside.  I'm so worried about making a mistake or upsetting someone it is very hard for me to do anything that might draw attention to myself.  I probably would not go to church, have Bible studies, or do this blog.  Not any of it.  Backing away is easier for me.  It's safer.  That's why I need the words in Romans 1:12.
     In this verse, God is giving us an instruction that is critically important in our walk.  Although much of our study and prayer time is done alone, He knows how important it is that we do this together.  When He admonishes us to "mutually encourage" each other, that's exactly what he means.  It doesn't matter how 'strong' we are in the faith, all of us need the experiences, comfort, and support of the others around us to continue to grow.  We just do.  As a matter of fact, I try to steer clear of those who are self-assured and don't "need" anyone else.  People who say they don't struggle and don't have the need to interact with other Christians are fooling themselves.
     I first realized the value of Strong's reference when listening to Beth Moore.  She's so passionate about the Word, and is constantly seeking to understand what God is trying to specifically tell us.  In my experience, looking at the Greek and Hebrew words further clarifies the meaning God has for us.  The words 'mutually encourage' are from the NIV translation. The  King James version says 'comforted together with you by the mutual faith both of you and me.'  In the Greek, mutual combines two words : en and allelon to mean one together.  Just like in a marriage.  One together to me means, basically we are the same.....we are joined.  We may have a few differences, but the basics are the same and we are permanently together.  If we are permanently together, then petty arguments or disagreements about non-essentials are not going to separate us. 
     The second word 'comforted' comes from the Greek sumparakaleo, meaning  to console jointly.   This, to me, is just as important.  It means we're there for each other.  It means I have as much to learn from you as you do from me.  We NEED each other.  I don't use 'The Message' as a primary reference, but I really like what it says about this verse: "You have as much to give me as I do to you."
     A great example of our need for each other is in a story I read in the August edition of "In Touch" magazine.  It is an example of how we can be used when we work together, even when unlikely partners combine to do what God has designed for them to do.  I have included a link to the story, because it says it so much better than I could tell it:
     Amazing what God can accomplish through His people when we follow His plan.  Sometimes we have difficulty with this mutual encouragement because we have a problem believing others have issues with their faith as we do. I once sat under a preacher who changed my life.  The message he was giving was not that different from what I had heard before.  True, he delivered it in a very passionate and appealing way.  What was different was this person was the first clergyman I had ever heard who admitted his own struggles.  Really?????  Pastors struggled too?  The key was, unlike some of the 'famous' pastors whose sin was shouted from the rooftops, this man lived a life that confirmed he truly had a heart for God and was called to do what he was doing.  To hear that he also struggled with some of the same things I struggled with was life changing for me.  Did he encourage and comfort me? Oh my goodness, did he! 
     I believe that's what the rest of us are to do.  Being honest about who we are is so important.  Being with other people and talking with them about real-life situations is why we are here.  I believe the Holy Spirit guides our conversations so that we may be in the ' right place at the right time' to share just the experience or Word to help someone else. 
     A very wise person once told me that my difficult experiences happened so that I might use them to help someone else.  I didn't understand that fully at first.  But it makes so much sense.  God does not let any of our experiences go to waste.  Those experiences are there to be used for His glory to guide someone else to a greater relationship with Him.  It's part of the meaning behind this verse:

 "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose."
               -Romans 8:28

It makes it a little easier to go through something when we trust this verse.  It's going to come for good in some way, at some time, for some one.
      So I challenge you to think of someone you might be able to encourage.  I warn you, you may have to eat some humble pie to do it.  I can't tell you how many times I have almost choked on  that flavor of pie!  But I have  found that when God has asked me to eat  that dessert I would never really choose for myself, I am somehow rewarded with comfort and encouragement for myself.  It all works together.....for good.


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