The Big Chief Tablet

"Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today, and forever."
-Hebrews 13:8 (ESV)

Those who know me well, realize that my family runs a fireworks stand every year.  It's tedious and very tiring, but we are basically doing it for our grandchildren.  They work, we supervise, and we get irreplaceable time with them. It's a win-win, even though I am exhausted at the end of the 2 weeks.

Six of the 8 grandchildren are old enough to do some type of work in the stand.  The other day, I needed to make a list of some of our product.  I asked the youngest granddaughter to go into the camper to get the tablet for me so I could do that.  After a few moments, she comes back to the tent with my ipad.  You see, times have changed.  Tablet in my mind was the pad of paper I had in the cabinet under the tv. She , understands tablet to mean my electronic device.  All the older kids said they would have done the same thing.  

They didn't grow up buying a Big Chief tablet to take to the first day of school.  It was such a big deal.   A nice, new-smelling tablet with endless possibilities waiting inside.  New pencils ready to be sharpened and used in a new classroom for a new year.  I would use that Big Chief every day until it was gone.  Wow.  Have classrooms changed.  Now, their version of tablet is used every day, and pencil and paper , although still used some, are not central to instruction anymore.  That bought up conversations about  the huge bag phone we had in the truck as our only mobile phone to be used in emergencies.  Roaming charges.  No air conditioning in the first home we bought.  No microwaves.  Very little fast food in a small town.  I could go on and on,  because the world is incredibly different than it used to be.

And entertainment.  I probably should't even get started on that one. We've gone from Mayberry to Modern Family.   We've moved from wholesome entertainment anyone could watch to shows NO ONE should watch, aired in prime time.

This morning, one of my friends sent a message about a children's book by Neale Donald Walsch.  It talked about what God would say to issues like homosexuality, premarital sex, and even the concept of nothing is sin.  Doing some research, I could not find a children's book by this author , but I did find a huge series of books with this title and theme by this author.  The teachings he makes in his book are exactly what was stated in the message I was sent.  "Conversations With God" is listed on book lists that deal with occult, mysticism, and new age.  And yet, because it is titled with God's name in it, many people take this writer's words as truth.  Just read some reviews.  Scary.

Here's the deal.  Things change in this  world.  My granddaughter's definition of the word "tablet" is very different from the definition I had.   I am amazed at the changes that have happened since I was a young married woman 44 years ago.  When I think about the changes since my mom was young, it's mind boggling.  But I can promise you, GUARANTEED, that one thing doesn't change:

"Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like  shifting shadows." 
-James 1:17 (NIV)


"The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the Word of our God endures forever."
-Isaiah 40:8

You can take that one to the 'outdated' saying to be sure.  But you can.  Things change, culture changes, people change.  But the one solid thing, the one thing that will never change, is our Lord and His Word.  We can count on it.  Whatever the Word says is not going to change.  Sin, as stated in the Bible, will always be sin.  It doesn't change just because politicians and authors and mystics say it has changed.  I will always choose TRUTH.  And that .......will never change.


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