Okay.  I understand since I started this thing I have to finish it.  But I REALLY don't want to look at this next part of the James 1:19 verse.  I mean, why did God send us scripture that just smacks us in the face every time we read it?  Particularly me.  ...."slow to speak."  Now there's a concept.  Most of my life these three words have not even been in my vocabulary.  I tried, I really thought I did anyway.  I remember being in meetings at school and writing all over my page "KYMS" with hearts, trees, flowers, etc. around it.  Of course the acronym stood for Keep Your Mouth Shut, but even doing that most of the time it didn't work.  I apparently thought my ideas were so profound, so wonderful, so good that I just HAD to share them for the good of the group,  WOW.  Wonder what God was thinking then? Maybe "ok, she thinks she's so smart, let's just show her."  And through the years He has.  Time and time again.  I wonder how many lessons I would not have had to learn if I had just learned this one first.
     Beth Moore, renowned teacher and Bible scholar, talks about the level of narcissism in our world today.  Narcissism is defined as "excessive love or admiration for oneself".  I certainly don't like to think of myself that way, do you?  And yet most of us can willingly agree we live in a "me"society where everyone is looking out for their own interests.  We can all give great examples of that about others, but what about examples from our own lives?  I know if I look deeply, and again I DON'T WANNA, I can find many examples of when my needs, wants, and desires have been foremost in my mind.  The Bible of course speaks about this in many examples.  One is in 2 Timothy.
     2 Timothy 3:1-5 talks about the last days:
                          "But mark this, there will be terrible times in the last days.  People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy,without love, unforgiving,slanderous, without self control,brutal, not lovers of the good, trecherous, rash, conceited,lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power."
      Boy when I look at that list, I don't want to be called any of those things.  But when I think my words are more important than someone else's, then I AM a lover of self, boastful, proud, abusive, without love, without self control, brutal, rash and conceited  .
       And I DON'T WANNA face that.....


  1. you are right on, Vee Ann! you are doing a great job--it is obvious that God is already using these blogs! Praise Him!!


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